Translated by Michael J. Lazzara, Catherine M. Brix, Carl Fischer, and Sowmya Ramanathan
While Eltit’s novels, published between 1983 and the present, provide a remarkable vision of Chile that has evolved over the past decades, she offers a different vantage point through her prolific and rigorous cultivation of literary essays.
Translated for the first time into English, this collection of Eltit’s essays allows readers to delve into her key concerns as a writer and intellectual: the neoliberal marketplace; the marginalization of bodies in society; questions of gender and power; struggles for memory, truth, and justice after dictatorship; and the ever-complex relationships among politics, ethics, and aesthetics.
Translated by Victoria Furio and Mariana Ortega-Breña
The German-born, Chilean author Norbert Lechner remains one of Latin America’s most prominent and creative social scientists. His work is indebted to the intense debates regarding theories of modernization, developmentalism, and dependence that took place in Latin American intellectual and political circles.
This anthology, which includes the first translations into English of three of his most outstanding works, can guide our readers, like Ariadne’s thread, through the intellectual output of this great thinker.
Os sete ensaios de Contra o racismo investigam atores no Brasil, Colômbia, Equador e México que vão além da política de reconhecimento para abordar desigualdades estruturais e construir um terreno comum com outros grupos marginalizados. As organizações deste estudo defendem uma abordagem de transformação estrutural social que promova alianças, seja inclusiva e inspirada por uma imaginação radical.
En este libro la autora analiza las razones históricas por las cuales emergió el proyecto de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe (EIB) en Ecuador. Además, las tensiones entre este, orientado a descolonizar el saber y a subvertir las jerarquías racializadas, y cómo se aplicó en un Estado que se declara ‘intercultural y plurinacional’.
Mediante un análisis históricamente fundado y sólidamente anclado en el trabajo de campo, tratará de responder a las múltiples cuestiones que se plantean en la práctica cotidiana del proyecto.
The book weaves the changing ideas on public space with urban culture to produce a new history of the metropolitan expansion of Buenos Aires, one of the most extensive and dynamic urban centers of the early twentieth century.